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The group algebra of all algebraic numbers

Some weeks ago, Robert Kucharczyk and Peter Scholze found a topological realisation of the ‘hopeless’ part of the absolute Galois group Gal(¯Q/Q). That is, they constructed a compact connected space Mcyc such that etale covers of it correspond to Galois extensions of the cyclotomic field Qcyc. This gives, at least in theory, a handle on the hopeless part of the Galois group Gal(¯Q/Qcyc), see the previous post in this series.

Here, we will get halfway into constructing Mcyc. We will try to understand the topology of the prime ideal spectrum Spec(C[¯Q×]) of the complex group algebra of the multiplicative group ¯Q× of all non-zero algebraic numbers.

[section_title text=”Pontryagin duals”]

Take an Abelian locally compact group A (for example, an Abelian group equipped with the discrete topology), then its Pontryagin dual A is the space of all continuous group morphisms AS1 to the unit circle S1 endowed with the compact open topology.

There are these topological properties of the locally compact group A:

A is compact if and only if A has the discrete topology,

A is connected if and only if A is a torsion free group,

A is totally disconnected if and only if A is a torsion group.

If we take the additive group of rational numbers with the discrete topology, the dual space Q is the one-dimensional solenoid

It is a compact and connected group, but is not path connected. In fact, it path connected components can be identified with the finite adele classes Af/Q=ˆZ/Z where ˆZ is the ring of profinite integers.

Keith Conrad has an excellent readable paper on this fascinating object: The character group of Q. Or you might have a look at this post.

[section_title text=”The multiplicative group of algebraic numbers”]

A torsion element x in the multiplicative group ¯Q× of all algebraic numbers must satisfy xN=1 for some N so is a root of unity, so we have the exact sequence of Abelian groups


where the last term is the maximal torsion-free quotient of ¯Q×. By Pontryagin duality this gives us an exact sequence of compact topological groups


Here, the left-most space is connected and μμ is totally disconnected. That is, the connected components of (¯Q×) are precisely the translates of the connected subgroup (¯Q×tf).

[section_title text=”Prime ideal spectra”]

The short exact sequence of Abelian groups gives a short exact sequence of the corresponding group schemes


The torsion free abelian group ¯Q×tf is the direct limit lim Mi of finitely generated abelian groups Mi and as the corresponding group algebra C[Mi]=C[x1,x11,,xk,x1k], we have that Spec(C[Mi]) is connected. But then this also holds for

Spec(C[¯Q×tf])=lim Spec(C[Mi])

The underlying group of C-points of Spec(C[μμ]) is μμ and is therefore totally disconnected. But then we have


and, more importantly, for the etale fundamental group


So, we have to compute the latter one. Again, write the torsion-free quotient as a direct limit of finitely generated torsion-free Abelian groups and recall that connected etale covers of Spec(C[Mi])=Spec(C[x1,x11,,xk,x1k]) are all of the form Spec(C[N]), where N is a subgroup of MiQ that contains Mi with finite index (that is, adjoining roots of the xi).

Again, this goes through the limit and so a connected etale cover of Spec(C[¯Q×tf]) would be determined by a subgroup of the Q-vectorspace ¯Q×tfQ containing ¯Q×tf with finite index.

But, ¯Q×tf is already a Q-vectorspace as we can take arbitrary roots in it (remember we’re using the multiplicative structure). That is, Spec(C[¯Q×]) is simply connected!

[section_title text=”Bringing in the Galois group”]

Now, we’re closing in on the mysterious space Mcyc. Clearly, it cannot be the complex points of Spec(C[¯Q×]) as this has no proper etale covers, but we still have to bring the Galois group Gal(¯Q/Qcyc) into the game.

The group algebra C[¯Q×] is a commutative and cocommutative Hopf algebra, and all the elements of the Galois group act on it as Hopf-automorphisms, so it is natural to consider the fixed Hopf algebra


This Hopf algebra has an interesting alternative description as a subalgebra of the Witt ring W(Qcyc), bringing it into the realm of F1-geometry.

This ring of Witt vectors has as its underlying set of elements 1+Qcyc[[t]] of formal power series in Qcyc[[t]]. Addition on this set is defined by multiplication of power series. The surprising fact is that we can then put a ring structure on it by demanding that the product should obey the rule that for all a,bQcyc we have


In this mind-boggling ring the Hopf algebra Hcyc is the subring consisting of all power series having a rational expression of the form


with all ai,bjQcyc.

We can embed μμ by sending a root of unity ζ to 1ζt, and then the desired space Mcyc will be close to


but I’ll spare the details for another time.

In case you want to know more about the title-picture, quoting from John Baez’ post The Beauty of Roots:

“Sam Derbyshire decided to to make a high resolution plot of some roots of polynomials. After some experimentation, he decided that his favorite were polynomials whose coefficients were all 1 or -1 (not 0). He made a high-resolution plot by computing all the roots of all polynomials of this sort having degree ≤ 24. That’s 224 polynomials, and about 24×224 roots — or about 400 million roots! It took Mathematica 4 days to generate the coordinates of the roots, producing about 5 gigabytes of data.”

Published in absolute geometry number theory


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