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Tag: non-commutative

a spider for Paul Smith’s list

of the best collections of links to homepages of people working in
non-commutative algebra and/or geometry is maintained by Paul Smith. At regular intervals I use it to check
up on some people, usually in vain as nobody seems to update their
homepage… So, today I wrote a simple spider to check for updates in
this list. The idea is simple : it tries to get the link (and when this
fails it reports that the link seems to be broken), it saves a text-copy
of the page (using lynx) on disc which it will check on a future
check-up for changes with diff. Btw. for OS X-people I got
lynx from the Fink Project. It then collects all data (broken
links, time of last visit and time of last change and recent updates) in
RSS-feeds for which an HTML-version is maintained at the geoMetry-site, again
using server side includes. If you see a 1970-date this means that I
have never detected a change since I let this spider loose (today).
Also, the list of pages is not alphabetic, even to me it is a surprise
how the next list will look. As I check for changes with diff the
claimed number of changed lines is by far accurate (the total of lines
from the first change made to the end of the file might be a better
approximation of reality… I will change this soon).
all of this is still experimental so please give me feedback if you
notice something wrong with these lists. Also I plan to extend this list
substantially over the next weeks (for example, Paul Smith himself is
not present in his own list…). So, if you want your pages to be
included, let me know at
For those on Paul\’s list, if you looked at your log-files today
you may have noticed a lot of traffic from as
I was testing the script. I\’ll keep my further visits down to once a
day, at most…

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just finished the formal lecture-part of the course Projects in
non-commutative geometry
(btw. I am completely exhausted after this
afternoon\’s session but hopeful that some students actually may do
something with my crazy ideas), springtime seems to have arrived and
next week the easter-vacation starts so it may be time to have some fun
like making a new webpage (yes, again…). At the moment the main page is not really up to standards
and Raf and Hans will be using it soon for the information about the
Liegrits-project (at the moment they just have a beautiful logo). My aim is to make the main page to be the
starting page of the geoMetry site
(guess what M stands for ?) on which I want
to collect as much information as possible on non-commutative geometry.
To get at that info I plan to set some spiders or bots or
scrapers loose on the web (this is just an excuse to force myself
to learn Perl). But it seems one has to follow strict ethical guidelines
in doing so. One of the first sites I want to spider is clearly the arXiv but they have
a scary Robots Beware page! I don\’t know whether their
robots.txt file will allow me to get at any of
their goodies. In a robots.txt file the webmaster can put the
directories on his/her site which are off limits to robots and as I
don\’t want to do anything that may cause that the arXiv is no longer
available to me (or even worse, to the whole department) I better follow
these guidelines. First site on my list to study tomorrow will be The
Web Robots Pages

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Borcherds’ monster papers

Yesterday morning I thought that I could use some discussions I had a
week before with Markus Reineke to begin to make sense of one
sentence in Kontsevich’ Arbeitstagung talk Non-commutative smooth
spaces :

It seems plausible that Borcherds’ infinite rank
algebras with Monstrous symmetry can be realized inside Hall-Ringel
algebras for some small smooth noncommutative

However, as I’m running on a 68K RAM-memory, I
didn’t recall the fine details of all connections between the monster,
moonshine, vertex algebras and the like. Fortunately, there is the vast
amount of knowledge buried in the arXiv and a quick search on Borcherds gave me a
list of 17 papers. Among
these there are some delightful short (3 to 8 pages) expository papers
that gave me a quick recap on things I once must have read but forgot.
Moreover, Richard Borcherds has the gift of writing at the same time
readable and informative papers. If you want to get to the essence of
things in 15 minutes I can recommend What
is a vertex algebra?
(“The answer to the question in the title is
that a vertex algebra is really a sort of commutative ring.”), What
is moonshine?
(“At the time he discovered these relations, several
people thought it so unlikely that there could be a relation between the
monster and the elliptic modular function that they politely told McKay
that he was talking nonsense.”) and What
is the monster?
(“3. It is the automorphism group of the monster
vertex algebra. (This is probably the best answer.)”). Borcherds
maintains also his homepage on which I found a few more (longer)
expository papers : Problems in moonshine and Automorphic forms and Lie algebras. After these
preliminaries it was time for the real goodies such as The
fake monster formal group
, Quantum vertex algebras and the like.
After a day of enjoyable reading I think I’m again ‘a point’
wrt. vertex algebras. Unfortunately, I completely forgot what all this
could have to do with Kontsevich’ remark…

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