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Tag: games

antwerp sprouts

game of sprouts is a two-person game invented by John Conway and Michael Paterson in 1967 (for some
historical comments visit the encyclopedia). You just need pen and paper to
play it. Here are the rules : Two players, Left and Right, alternate
moves until no more moves are possible. In the normal game, the last
person to move is the winner. In misere play, the last person to move is
the loser. The starting position is some number of small circles called
“spots”. A move consists of drawing a new spot g and then drawing two
lines, in the loose sense, each terminating at one end at spot g and at
the other end at some other spot. (The two lines can go to different
spots or the same spot, subject to the following conditions.) The lines
drawn cannot touch or cross any line or spot along the way. Also, no
more than three lines can terminate at any spot. A spot with three lines
attached is said to be “dead”, since it cannot facilitate any further

You can play sprouts online using this Java applet.
There is also an ongoing discussion about sprouts on the geometry math forum. Probably the most complete
information can be found at the world game
of sprouts association
. The analysis of the game involves some nice
topology (the Euler number) and as the options for Left and Right are
the same at each position it is an impartial game and the outcome
depends on counting arguments. There is also a (joke) variation on the
game called Brussels sprouts (although some people seem to miss the point

Some years ago I invented some variations
on sprouts making it into a partizan game (that is, at a given
position, Left and Right have different legal moves). Here are the rules

Cold Antwerp Sprouts : We start with n White
dots. Left is allowed to connect two White dots or a White and bLue dot
or two bLue dots and must draw an additional Red dot on the connecting
line. Right is allowed to connect two White dots, a Red and a White dot
or two Red dots and must draw an additional bLue dot on the connecting

Hot Antwerp Sprouts : We start with n
White dots. Left is allowed to connect two White dots or a White and
bLue dot or two bLue dots and must draw an additional bLue dot on the
connecting line. Right is allowed to connect two White dots, a Red and a
White dot or two Red dots and must draw an additional Red dot on the
connecting line.

Although the rules look pretty
similar, the analysis of these two games in entirely different. On
february 11th I’ll give a talk on this as an example in
Combinatorial Game Theory. I will show that Cold Antwerp Sprouts
is very similar to the game of COL, whereas Hot Antwerp Sprouts resembles SNORT.

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combinatorial game software

As I am going to give a talk on Combinatorial Game Theory early
next month I have to update my rusty knowledge of canonical forms of
two-person game positions, their temperature theory and the like. As
most of the concepts in this field are recursive they are hard to work
out by humans but easy for computers. So it is nice to have a good
program to use. I remember that David Wolfe wrote a couple of years ago the Gamesman Toolkit but it seems he has taken it off
his website. Still, you can get it from the Software released by Michael Ernst page. So,
download the games.tar.gz-file and uncompress it on your Desktop.
Then do the following

cd Desktop/games sudo make sudo cp
games /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/games

to get it up and
running (for documentation of how to use it see the Gamesman
Toolkit-paper above. But, it seems that as of July 2003 there is a much
better alternative around : the Combinatorial Game Suite of Aaron Siegel. It is an open source Java-program so it
runs on many platforms (including Mac OSX). Here is the way to get it
going : first download it and you will get a
cgsuite-0.4-folder on your desktop. Then type

Desktop/cgsuite-0.4 java -jar cgsuite.jar

and after a few
questions (including whether you want to be on the mailing list of the
project) the program starts up. It is very well documented with an
on-line manual which I have to read over the coming

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What then is all this WarWalking, WarDriving,
WarChalking and so on? In particular, why the aggressive
War-word in them ? From what I learned, the historical origin of
these terms comes from the 1983 movie “War Games” in which a
kid sets up his modem to dial numbers until it finds a computer to hack
leading inevitably to the US-army in total panic. This hobby created the
phrase WarDialing. In analogy, a person driving around in a car
with a laptop in search for wireless networks is said to be
WarDriving, if (s)he is on foot it is clearly WarWalking.
Because of the aggressive nature of the War-subword some people have
re-engineered an explanation :

WAR = Wireless
Access Reconnaissance

so let us hope this acronym
will catch on. Now then, what is WarChalking ? It was invented by
Matt Jones and the idea is that a WarWalker should write a symbol in
chalk on the wall nearest to the discovered Access Point describing its
nature (see picture on the left) : the first sign depicts an open
node, the next a closed one and the last one is a node with
WEP-protection (btw. WEP=Wired Equivalent Privacy). A lot
of people seem to take this fairly serious, there is even a webpage devoted to it on which you can
find a lot more information. And as warchalking was originally British,
there had to be also an American site containing among other things a not
that active forum. Further, the unofficial HOW-TO of WarDriving may be
interesting. To me it all sounds as an excuse to buy a
GPS-receiver and a

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