Let’s try to identify the Ψ(n)=n∏p|n(1+1p)Ψ(n)=n∏p|n(1+1p) points of P1(Z/nZ) with the lattices LMgh at hyperdistance n from the standard lattice L1 in Conway’s big picture.
Here are all 24=Ψ(12) lattices at hyperdistance 12 from L1 (the boundary lattices):
You can also see the 4=Ψ(3) lattices at hyperdistance 3 (those connected to 1 with a red arrow) as well as the intermediate 12=Ψ(6) lattices at hyperdistance 6.
The vertices of Conway’s Big Picture are the projective classes of integral sublattices of the standard lattice Z2=Ze1⊕Ze2.
Let’s say our sublattice is generated by the integral vectors v=(v1,v2) and w=(w1.w2). How do we determine its class LM,gh where M∈Q+ is a strictly positive rational number and 0≤gh<1?
Here’s an example: the sublattice (the thick dots) is spanned by the vectors v=(2,1) and w=(1,4)
Well, we try to find a basechange matrix in SL2(Z) such that the new 2nd base vector is of the form (0,z). To do this take coprime (c,d)∈Z2 such that cv1+dw1=0 and complete with (a,b) satisfying ad−bc=1 via Bezout to a matrix in SL2(Z) such that
then the sublattice is of class Lxz,yz mod 1.
In the example, we have
so this sublattice is of class L17,47.
Starting from a class LM,gh it is easy to work out its hyperdistance from L1: let d be the smallest natural number making the corresponding matrix integral
then LM,gh is at hyperdistance u.w from L1.
Now that we know how to find the lattice class of any sublattice of Z2, let us assign a class to any point [c:d] of P1(Z/nZ).
As gcd(c,d)=1, by Bezout we can find a integral matrix with determinant 1
But then the matrix
has determinant n.
Working backwards we see that the class L[c:d] of the sublattice of Z2 spanned by the vectors (a.n,b.n) and (c,d) is of hyperdistance n from L1.
This is how the correspondence between points of P1(Z/nZ) and classes in Conway’s big picture at hyperdistance n from L1 works.
Let’s do an example. Take the point [7:3]∈P1(Z/12Z) (see last time), then
so we have to determine the class of the sublattice spanned by (−24,−12) and (7,3). As before we have to compute
giving us that the class L[7:3]=L11234 (remember that the second term must be taken mod 1).
If you do this for all points in P1(Z/12Z) (and P1(Z/6Z) and P1(Z/3Z)) you get this version of the picture we started with
You’ll spot that the preimages of a canonical coordinate of P1(Z/mZ) for m|n are the very same coordinate together with ‘new’ canonical coordinates in P1(Z/nZ).
To see that this correspondence is one-to-one and that the index of the congruence subgroup
Γ0(n)={[pqrs] | n|r and ps−qr=1}
in the full modular group Γ=PSL2(Z) is equal to Ψ(n) it is useful to consider the action of PGL2(Q)+ on the right on the classes of lattices.
The stabilizer of L1 is the full modular group Γ and the stabilizer of any class is a suitable conjugate of Γ. For example, for the class Ln (that is, of the sublattice spanned by (n,0) and (0,1), which is of hyperdistance n from L1) this stabilizer is
Stab(Ln)={[abnc.nd] | ad−bc=1}
and a very useful observation is that
This is the way Conway likes us to think about the congruence subgroup Γ0(n): it is the joint stabilizer of the classes L1 and Ln (as well as all classes in the ‘thread’ Lm with m|n).
On the other hand, Γ acts by rotations on the big picture: it only fixes L1 and maps a class to another one of the same hyperdistance from L1.The index of Γ0(n) in Γ is then the number of classes at hyperdistance n.
To see that this number is Ψ(n), first check that the classes at hyperdistance pk for p a prime number and for all k for the p+1 free valent tree with root L1, so there are exactly pk−1(p+1) classes as hyperdistance pk.
To get from this that the number of hyperdistance n classes is indeed Ψ(n)=∏p|npvp(n)−1(p+1) we have to use the prime- factorisation of the hyperdistance (see this post).
The fundamental domain for the action of Γ0(12) by Moebius tranfos on the upper half plane must then consist of 48=2Ψ(12) black or white hyperbolic triangles
Next time we’ll see how to deduce the ‘monstrous’ Grothendieck dessin d’enfant for Γ0(12) from it