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Erna Bannow, octonions and the Leech?

Im the previous post on the discovery of the Leech lattice I asked :

“Would you spend your last week-end together with your wife to be before going to war performing an horrendous calculation?”

Peter commented :

“This doesn’t sound too unbelievable, given that said wife-to-be was also a mathematician! Did Witt and Bannow work together much mathematically, do we know? If so, this (a) makes a weekend of fired-up intellectual passion quite plausible, and (b) makes the remarkably rapid calculation somewhat more feasible: two workers, not just one!”

Point taken! So, we need to know more on Erna Bannow and her mathematics.

Erna Bannow was born october 6th1911 in Schlawe (Pommern), now Sławno in Poland. In 1930 she finished her secondary studies at the Oberlyzeum Merseburg (near Leipzig). She then continued her studies at the universities of Marburg, Bonn, and Göttingen.

Apart from the picture at the start of the previous post, there is another well-known picture showing Witt (1), Bannow (2) and Noether (3, partially hidden) in their Göttingen days.

Erna Bannow was one of the students signing a petition protesting against the forced departure of Emmy Noether from Göttingen in 1933.

Her signature is first on the list (the other students signing were : E. Knauf, Tsen, W. Vorbeck, G. Dechamps, W. Wichmann, H. Davenport (Cambridge, Engl.), H. Ulm, L. Schwarz, Walter Brandt (?), D. Derry and Wei-Liang Chow)

After Noether left, one source says that Erna abandoned her studies from 1934 till 1938 when she entered the University of Hamburg. Another story is that she followed Emil Artin to Hamburg and started working on her Ph. D. When Artin was forced to emigrate to the US in 1937 and his position was taken over by Witt, Witt became her Ph.D. advisor.

What is certain is that she obtained her Ph.D. on july 25th 1939 for her thesis “Die Automorphismengruppen der Cayley-Zahlen” (promotor Ernst Witt, referee Helmut Hasse).

Erna Bannow published a paper out of her thesis in the Abh. Math. Seminar Hamburg 13 (1940) 240-256 and Witt published a 1/2 page summary of her results in J. reine angew. Math. 182 (1940) 205 (submitted september 2nd, 1939). As fat as I know this is the only paper authored by Bannow and there is no evidence of other joint work by Witt and Bannow.

Still, the topic of her thesis, Cayley-numbers aka the octonions, is pretty interesting for our Leech lattice story!

Over the years, people have tried to find an explanation of the fact that the number of vectors of minimal norm in the Leech lattice can be expressed as

$196560 = 3 \times 240 \times (1+16+16^2) $

where the 240 comes from the 240 octonions spanning a copy of the $E_8 $-lattice. On december 18th 2008, Robert Wilson was at last able to provide an explanation and give a new elementary construction of the Leech lattice in terms of octonions!

Is it possible that the combined knowledge of Ernst Witt and Erna Bannow on root lattice and octonions enabled them in a weekend of ‘fired-up intellectual passion’ to discover this octonionic description of the Leech lattice?

This sure would make a great story! Next time we will see that it is, unfortunately, highly unlikely…

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Jason & David, the Ninja warriors of noncommutative geometry

SocialMention gives a rather accurate picture of the web-buzz on a specific topic. For this reason I check it irregularly to know what’s going on in noncommutative geometry, at least web-wise.

Yesterday, I noticed two new kids on the block : Jason and David. Their blogs have (so far ) 44 resp. 27 posts, this month alone. My first reaction was: respect!, until I glanced at their content…

David of E-Infinity

Noncommutative geometry has a deplorable track record when it comes to personality-cults and making extra-ordinary claims, but this site beats everything I’ve seen before. Its main mission is to spread the gospel according to E.N.

A characteristic quote :

“It was no doubt the intention of those well known internet thugs and parasites to distract us from science and derail us from our road. This was the brief given to them by you know who. Never the less we will attempt to give here what can only amount to a summary of the summary of what E. N. considers to be the philosophical background to his theory.”

Jason of the E.N. watch

The blog’s mission statement is to expose the said prophet E.N. as a charlatan.

The language used brings us back to the good(?!) old string-war days.

“This is amusing because E. N.’s sockpuppets go on and on about E. N. being a genius polymath with an expert grasp of science, art, history, philosophy and politics. E. N. Watch readers of course know that his knowledge in all areas comes primarily from mass-market popularizations.”

As long as the Connes support-blog and the Rosenberg support-blog remain silent and the Jasons and Davids of this world run the online ncg-show, it is probably better to drop the topic here.

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Grothendieck’s folly

Never a dull moment with Books Ngram Viewer. Pick your favorite topic(s) and try to explain and name valleys and peaks in the Ngram.

An example. I wanted to compare the relative impact of a couple of topics I love, algebraic geometry (blue), category theory (red), representation theory (green) and noncommutative geometry (the bit of yellow in the lower right hand corner…) from 1960 onwards.

I was surprised to find out that the first three topics were almost in the same impact-league, but then Ngram-viewing can be cruel when you’re biased …

Anyone having an explanation/name for the great depressions of 1982, 1993 and 1996?

On the positive side, what happened in 1988-89 or what caused the representation-peak in 1999, or the category-delirium in 2006?

So far, I’ve only been able to pinpoint a couple of events. My favorite being the red peak in 1973, which I’d like to christen “Grothendieck’s folly”.