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once more : synchronizing

Carbon Copy Cloner is a tool to make a full backup
of your hard-disk on an external firewire disk or iPod. Here’s
how it sells itself

Have you ever wanted a simple, complete,
bootable backup of your hard drive? Have you ever wanted to upgrade to
a larger hard drive with minimal hassle and without reinstalling your
OS and all of your applications? Have you ever wanted to move your
entire Mac OS X installation to a new computer? Then CCC is the tool
for you! CCC makes these tasks simple by harnessing the Unix power
built into Mac OS X. In addition to the features that CCC has provided
in the past, version 2 offers synchronization of the source and target
as well as scheduled backup tasks.

I didn’t try it out yet
but was interested in the final sentence and scrolling down the page I
discovered that the synchronisation is done using Dan Kogai’s psync program, which does not seem to work under
10.3 but has on the page a patch to this. Rather than using the
psync-page to install it, one can use the unoffical psync for Panther dmg-file from the
Carbon Copy Cloner-page. It installs without a problem and to
learn how to use it, there is a manual page. Here is what I do when I want to
synchronize my Documents-folder on iMacLieven to the
backup-machine tweedledee over the Airport-network

/Network/iMacLieven/lieven/Documents /Users/lieven/docsLieven

Watching the packet-flow on the Activity Monitor it seems to be
slightly quicker than the rsync tool. But most of all : it seems
to do a much better job. When I compared the end-result of the
synchronising session with rsync to that of psync I was
surprised to find a 20 Mb difference (on an original .5 Gb Folder) in
psync‘s favour! But even psync seems to have dropped 0.6
Mb in the process…

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nothing beats the command line

the last couple of days I’ve been experimenting a bit with different
backup methods. To begin, I did try out ExecutiveSync and its
successor You Syncronize but they are very, very
slow. Not only did the first synchronizing of a 0.5 Gb Folder between
two computers over our Airport-network took over 2.5 hrs, but also on
subsequent syncs the checking of the database seems to last forever.

So I turned to the fink project
again and did find two interesting packages : wget . GNU Wget is a free network utility to
retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP, so one way
to backup a folder would be to put it in the Sites folder and
mirror it over the network using wget. I did’t check this out in
great details (did a small test to see it working but I assume it will
be slow for large folders). The other one is rsync It uses the “rsync algorithm” which
provides a very fast method for remote files into sync. It does this by
sending just the differences in the files across the link, without
requiring that both sets of files are present at one of the ends of the
link beforehand. This seems to be precisely what I wanted to do and
after a google for ‘rsync OS X’ I arrived at the RsyncX package which is an implementation of rsync
with HFS support and configuration through a command line (Terminal) or
graphical user interface. I downloaded this package and the GUI seems to
be placed in the Applications/Utilities and tried it out by
filling out the Source and Local Folders and pressing the synchronize
button. Not much progress was reported but the Activity Monitor
showed that it was using up all of the CPU so I was patient for over an
hour and then looked for the Network Activity in the Activity
and virtually no packets were going in or out, so I killed
RsyncX. I am sure I did something wrong but rather than trying to
get it working, I tried the command-line rsync-command I
downloaded from Fink. After a few false attempts I

/sw/bin/rsync -a -e ssh

and suddenly the packets were flying
happily over the network at 250 Kb/sec, so it took me only half an hour
to get a first synchronization done and subsequent changes are added in
no time! Afterwards I discovered that rsync is included in the
standard OS X Developers Tools as RsyncX seems to have replaced
it to rsync_orig and installed a new (quite large) rsync
in /usr/bin. Maybe my problems with RsyncX were caused
because I have /sw/bin earlier in my $PATH than
/usr/bin but verifying this will have to await another day. For
the moment, I’m happy to have a quick syncronizing tool available and
Real Madrid is playing on the TV…

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noncommutative geometry 2

Again I
spend the whole morning preparing my talks for tomorrow in the master
class. Here is an outline of what I will cover :
– examples of
noncommutative points and curves. Grothendieck’s characterization of
commutative regular algebras by the lifting property and a proof that
this lifting property in the category alg of all l-algebras is
equivalent to being a noncommutative curve (using the construction of a
generic square-zero extension).
– definition of the affine
scheme rep(n,A) of all n-dimensional representations (as always,
l is still arbitrary) and a proof that these schemes are smooth
using the universal property of k(rep(n,A)) (via generic
– whereas rep(n,A) is smooth it is in general
a disjoint union of its irreducible components and one can use the
sum-map to define a semigroup structure on these components when
l is algebraically closed. I’ll give some examples of this
semigroup and outline how the construction can be extended over
arbitrary basefields (via a cocommutative coalgebra).

definition of the Euler-form on rep A, all finite dimensional
representations. Outline of the main steps involved in showing that the
Euler-form defines a bilinear form on the connected component semigroup
when l is algebraically closed (using Jordan-Holder sequences and
upper-semicontinuity results).

After tomorrow’s
lectures I hope you are prepared for the mini-course by Markus Reineke on non-commutative Hilbert schemes
next week.

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