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color schemes

In the unlikely event that we will ever be publishing a
_series_ of books, we’d better have a strategy to design the
_next one_ as we don’t want to go through this time-consuming
process each time. So we need a concept, a consistent
lay-out and a consistent color scheme.

Think of the O’Reilly
hacks books
. Their concept is to have a white background with a
black&white photo of a tool on it, their layout is : a huge colored
title at the top and the authors at the bottom, their color-scheme is
set according to the topic but always using just one color! Pretty
simple, but extremely effective in creating a common look-and-feel for
the series.

Our concept is to take a macro photo of a
mathematical game in duotone

Clearly, the game will vary throughout the series and may
even depend on the author (the example-game is Gipf). Duotone (that is,
converting the photo to grayscale and replacing white by another color
and adjusting saturation) because we are no graphic designers and have
no control on the final result if we would go for something more

Of course, the second color will also change
throughout the series. As we have no time to read interesting books such
as the color harmony workbook we just went for a
variation of the triad
color idea
. That is,

Any three colors
with a balanced triangular relationship are triads. The basic triad
consists of three colors equidistant on the color wheel. The best known
of all color schemes are: the primary colors, red, yellow, and blue; the
secondary colors, orange, green and violet; and the remaining tertiary
colors, like red-orange and blue-violet. Triadic colors are usually
considered pleasing to the eye.

Given the
first color, we add first 120 and then 240 to its hue-value. For the 4th
color we take the opposing color (+180) and the 5th and 6th colors make
a second triad. For the 7th color we then have to go for +150 and form
another triad and so on and so on. An example of how such a series might
look is given at the top.

Finally, as for the lay-out, well,
it’s far from perfect but it’s the best we managed to do before
we got fed up with it. But, perhaps you might appreciate the stylish
hyphens in subtitle and in the numbering line, compatible with our own

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design decisions

We are nearly done, I hope. One can keep on tweaking
parameters endlessly, so at regular intervals we grab our chief graphics designer and tell him :
decision time! which of the two is best? At the moment, we decided on
our own chapter-style \chapterstyle{neb} which is an
adaptation of the _demo-style_ in
(see on the left). We also have our own page-style which
is an adaptation of the _companion-style_ (the house-style of the
LaTeX Companion series).

will notice that the page-format is a bit odd. As mentioned before, we
didn’t want to copy the _regular_ mathematics-book -look.
We went for a fun format (square, 7.5 by 7.5 inch ; think of an inflated
CD-box) as well as a handy one (so we will go for _spiral-bound_
books). The reason for this is that we noticed that the most consulted
copy of version 2 around at the department is
Stijn’s which has a nice coil binding so you can always lay it
nicely flat on a desk, whether you just want to look something up, or
use it to explain something at the blackboard.

Perhaps you can
even see that the font is slightly smaller than the _regular
10pt_. Memoir allows for a _9pt font_ and this looks _so
much_ better. Besides, it helps to keep the number of pages
reasonable, and related to this : keep the production costs low. At the
moment the plan is to be able to sell a book of say 260 pages under 13
Euros (that is, 5 EuroCent/page), but more on this next week.

What else? Well, recently, we decided on the
_copyright_-license (at least for the first book). Clearly, all
neverending-books will have their own ISBN-number
and the copyright is one of the
Creative Common
Licenses. At first we thought of taking the same one that protects
(however, see mewt’s story
) this site and which is, in technical terms, a by-nc-nd:be
. But, in the end, we decided to go for a Developing Nations
. Here\’s why :

The Developing
Nations license allows, for the first time, any copyright holder in the
world to participate first-hand in reforming global information policy.
The fact is that most of the world’s population is simply priced
out of developed nations’ publishing output. To authors, that
means an untapped readership. To economists, it means “deadweight
loss.” To human rights advocates and educators, it is a tragedy.
The Developing Nations license is designed to address all three

So, what else needs to be done by next
week when we hope to launch our first book? Well, I need to write some
_blurb_ and we have to decide on front- and back-covers.
Tomorrow, I hope to report on how that one ended.

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sudoku mania

I never pay
much attention to the crossword-puzzle page of our regular newspaper DeMorgen. I did notice that they
started a new sort of puzzle a few weeks ago but figured it had to be
some bingo-like stupidity. It wasn’t until last friday that I had a
look at the simple set of rules and I was immediately addicted (as I am
mostly when the rules are simple enough!). One is given a 9×9 grid
filled with numbers from 1 to 9. You have to fill in the full grid
making sure that each number appears just once on each _horizontal
line_, on each _vertical line_ and in each
of the indicated 3×3 subgrids!

It is amazing how quickly one learns
the basic tricks to solve such _sudoku_s. At first, one plays by
the horizontal-vertical rule trying to find forbidden positions for
certain numbers but rapidly one fails to make more progress. Then, it
takes a while before you realize that the empty squares on a given line
in a 3×3 subgrid cannot be filled with any of the numbers already
present in the 3×3 subgrid. Easy enough, but it takes your
sudoku-experience to the next level. Anther simple trick I found useful
it to keep track how many times (from 0 to 9) you have already filled
out a given number. If it is 9, you may as well forget about this number
for elimination purposes and if it is 0 it will be hard to use it.
Optimal numbers to use are those that are already 4 to 6 times on the
board. And so on, and so on.

After having traced all back-copies
of the newspaper I ran out of sudokus but fortunately there is a
neverending (sic!) supply of them on the web. For example, try out the
archive of Daily
, and there are plenty of similar sites as, no doubt, you’ll
find by Googling.

An intruiging fact I learned from my newspaper
is that there are exactly 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 different
filled-out Sudoku grids. You then think : this should be easy enough to
prove using some simple combi- and factorials until you give this number
to Mathematica to factor it and find that it is

$2^{20} \\times
3^{8} \\times 5 \\times 7 \\times 27704267971$

and hence has a
pretty big unexplained prime factor! This fact needed clarification, so
a little bit later I found this Sodoku
players forum page
and shortly afterwards an excellent (really
excellent) Wikipedia on
. There is enough material on that page to keep you interested
for a while (e.g. the fact that nxn sudoku is NP-complete).

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