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to Andrei Sobolevskii for his comment
pointing me to a wonderful initiative : CiteULike.

What is CiteULike?
CiteULike is a
free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the
academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that
interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your
personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details,
so there’s no need to type them in yourself. It all works from
within your web browser. There’s no need to install any special
Because your library is stored on the server, you
can access it from any computer. You can share you library with others,
and find out who is reading the same papers as you. In turn, this can
help you discover literature which is relevant to your field but you may
not have known about.
When it comes to writing up your
results in a paper, you can export your library to either BibTeX or
Endnote to build it in to your bibliography. CiteULike has a flexible
filing system, so you actually stand a chance of being able to find that
article that you stored a few months ago when you need

If all this seems too abstract, here is an excellent practical
(also suggested by Andrei). This text focusses on
articles from AnthroSource but if you’re a mathematician, do the
same things when you are at the abstract page of a paper on the arXiv or a paper description from MathSciNet. The really nice
thing is that you virtually have to do no typing at all (apart from the
tags you want to add to classify the paper where you want it or, if you
want, to add a note about the paper). Another exciting feature
is that you can upload your personal copy of the paper. A typical
situation : most of us can get the PDF-file of a published paper at work
(because the university has a contract with the publisher) but not at
home, on the road or on vacation. So, while at work, download the PDF,
upload it as your personal copy to citeUlike and you can read that paper
wherever you have internet access! But there is more : you can
export the BibTeX-data of your whole library and use it in your next
paper, every library has its separate RSS-feed so you can feed it to a
news-aggregator (or to bloglines) to find out whether someone with
similar interests added a new paper to his/her library, you can create
Groups that is collections of Libraries of people interested in the same
topic, so that others can help you finding stuff of value (and again,
such Group-libraries have there own RSS-feed so….), all libraries
have all tags used by the Library-owner in a graphical format, the
larger the tag-text the more it is used in the Library, so just by
looking at the right-sidebar you get a good idea what the person’s
interests are, etc. etc. etc. I’m just two days into
citeUlike and there will be tons of features I still have to discover
and I’ll report on this later. At the moment I just added a few
papers to my Library but I will extend this drasticly in the weeks
ahead. If you want to check on my progress here is lieven’s Library
or the citeIlike link in the header of this blog (between the
‘about me’ and the ’search’ link) and I hope
that many of you will add similar buttons on your homepages.
Finally, if you are interested in Noncommutative algebraic and/or
differential geometry, I’ve set up a Group-Library
. At the moment it’s just identical to
my own Library, but please register to citeUlike, set up your own
Library and if you’re into NOG join this group!

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dvonn (2) overload

In the
[previous post]( we have
seen that it is important to have lots of mobile pieces around in the
endgame and that it is hard for a computer-program to evaluate a
position correctly. In fact, we illustrated this with a position which
‘clearly’ looks much better for Black (the computer) whereas it is
already lost! In fact, the computer lost this particular game already 7
plies earlier. Consider the position

$\xymatrix@=.3cm @!C
@R=.7cm{.& & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ & & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{5} \conn & & \bull{e}{5} \conn & & \bull{f}{5} \conn & &
\bull{g}{5} \conn & & \bull{h}{5} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & & \\ & & \SBlack \connS & & \SBlack
\connS & & \Black{6} \connS & & \bull{e}{4} \conn& & \bull{f}{4} \conn &
& \bull{g}{4} \conn & & \bull{h}{4} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & &
\SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & \\ & \SBlack \connbeginS & &
\SBlack \connS & & \BDvonn{2} \connS & & \bull{d}{3} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \BDvonn{3} \connS & & \White{4} \connS & & \SWhite \connS &
& \Dvonn \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connendS & . \\ & &
\Black{5} \connbeginS & & \SBlack \connS & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{2} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & & \bull{f}{2} \conn & &
\bull{g}{2} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connendS & & \\ & & & \bull{a}{1} \con & & \bull{b}{1} \con & &
\Black{5} \conS & & \bull{d}{1} \con & & \bull{e}{1} \con & &
\bull{f}{1} \con & & \bull{g}{1} \con & & \bull{h}{1} \con & & \White{2}
& & & \\ .& & & & & & & & & & & & & } $

Probably, Black lost the
game with its last move d1-f3 thereby disconnecting its pieces into two
clusters. White (the human player) must already have realized at this
moment he had a good chance of winning (as indicated in the previous
post) by letting Black run out of moves by building large stacks on the
third row, White building a stack of the appropriate size which then
jumps on the largest Black stack on the final move. Btw. this technique
is called *sharpshooting* in Dvonn-parlance

The concept
of manipulating the height of a stack so that it can land precisely on a
critical space. It’s a matter of counting and one-digit addition. Notice
that this doesn’t necessarily mean putting your own stacks atop one
another – the best sharpshooting moves are moves which also neutralize.
To counter a sharpshooting move is called “spoiling”.

for this strategy to have a chance, White must keep the Black stacks
containing the Dvonn pieces on the third row. At the moment the stack on
c3 can move to c1 or to c5 and with his next move White counters this
by *overloading* the stack, that is

To spoil a move or
prevent a lifting move by moving atop the enemy stack. Even if the
opponent has enough control to retake the stack, he cannot move it
because it has become taller.

So, White sacrifies his
height 4 stack on g3 with the move g3-c3. Black must take back
immediately (if not, White moves c3-i3 and all Black’s material in the
farmost right cluster is lost) but now the previously mobile Black
height 2 stack at c3 has become an immobile (or *old stack*) height 7
stack which has no option but to stay on c3 (clearly Black will never
move it to j3…). Next, White performs a similar startegy to
neutralize the *young* height 3 Black stack on f3 by overloading it by 2
and hence after the forced recapture it becomes a height 6 Black stack
which must remain on f3 forever. Here are the actual moves 1) g3-c3
b2-c3 2) h2-h3 b4-c5 3) h3-f3 e2-f3 and we end up with the
situation we analyzed last time, that is

$\xymatrix@=.3cm @!C
@R=.7cm{.& & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ & & & \Black{2} \connS & &
\bull{d}{5} \conn & & \bull{e}{5} \conn & & \bull{f}{5} \conn & &
\bull{g}{5} \conn & & \bull{h}{5} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & & \\ & & \bull{b}{4} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \Black{6} \connS & & \bull{e}{4} \conn& & \bull{f}{4} \conn &
& \bull{g}{4} \conn & & \bull{h}{4} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & &
\SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & \\ & \SBlack \connbeginS & &
\SBlack \connS & & \BDvonn{7} \connS & & \bull{d}{3} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \BDvonn{6} \connS & & \bull{g}{3} \conn & & \bull{h}{3}
\conn & & \Dvonn \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connendS & . \\
& & \Black{5} \connbeginS & & \bull{b}{2} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{2} \conn & & \bull{e}{2} \conn & & \bull{f}{2} \conn & &
\bull{g}{2} \conn & & \bull{h}{2} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connendS & & \\ & & & \bull{a}{1} \con & & \bull{b}{1} \con & &
\Black{5} \conS & & \bull{d}{1} \con & & \bull{e}{1} \con & &
\bull{f}{1} \con & & \bull{g}{1} \con & & \bull{h}{1} \con & & \White{2}
& & & \\ . & & & & & & & & & & & & & } $

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the efficient academic

software help mathematicians to keep up with the neverending (sic) flood
of new research material? In the past I touched this already… Recently, there is a new fairly active Google group
efficient academic
which describes its interests as

Professors, Instructors, and Graduate Students
interested in getting things done more easily and quickly. We discuss
organization, task management, and tools that helps us to be more
productive and not procrastinate. We tend to discuss David Allen’s
GTD system but not exclusively. (278 members)

Personally, I think GTD is far too management-driven to be useful in
research, but I’m equally convinced that there are nice programs
around that I have to delve deeper into, in particular DevonThinkPro.
Fortunately, Serkan Cabi has
written two interesting posts on applications of DevonThink to
physics-research :

which can help me a bit. In the second post
appears another useful resource for the average desperate present-day
ringtheorist. Joanna Karczmarek
can help you to put the Hep-th
on Your Harddrive
. A mere 8Gb containing all material published on
hep-th over the years, just waiting to be put in a database-tool like
DevonThink or, if you still need an excuse to buy one, on your iPod to
read on your daily commute…

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