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vacation reading (2)

Vacation is always a good time to catch up on some reading. Besides, there’s very little else you can do at night in a ski-resort… This year, I’ve taken along The Archimedes Codex: Revealing The Secrets Of The World’s Greatest Palimpsest by Reviel Netz and William Noel telling the story of the Archimedes Palimpsest.

The most remarkable of the above works is The Method, of which the palimpsest contains the only known copy. In his other works, Archimedes often proves the equality of two areas or volumes with his method of double contradiction: assuming that the first is bigger than the second leads to a contradiction, as does the assumption that the first be smaller than the second; so the two must be equal. These proofs, still considered to be rigorous and correct, used what we might now consider secondary-school geometry with rare brilliance. Later writers often criticized Archimedes for not explaining how he arrived at his results in the first place. This explanation is contained in The Method.
Essentially, the method consists in dividing the two areas or volumes in infinitely many stripes of infinitesimal width, and “weighing” the stripes of the first figure against those of the second, evaluated in terms of a finite Egyptian fraction series. He considered this method as a useful heuristic but always made sure to prove the results found in this manner using the rigorous arithmetic methods mentioned above.
He was able to solve problems that would now be treated by integral calculus, which was formally invented in the 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, working independently. Among those problems were that of calculating the center of gravity of a solid hemisphere, the center of gravity of a frustum of a circular paraboloid, and the area of a region bounded by a parabola and one of its secant lines. Contrary to exaggerations found in some 20th century calculus textbooks, he did not use anything like Riemann sums, either in the work embodied in this palimpsest or in any of his other works. (For explicit details of the method used, see Archimedes’ use of infinitesimals.)
A problem solved exclusively in the Method is the calculation of the volume of a cylindrical wedge, a result that reappears as theorem XVII (schema XIX) of Kepler’s Stereometria.
Some pages of the Method remained unused by the author of the Palimpsest and thus they are still lost. Between them, an announced result concerned the volume of the intersection of two cylinders, a figure that Apostol and Mnatsakian have renamed n = 4 Archimedean globe (and the half of it, n = 4 Archimedean dome), whose volume relates to the n-polygonal pyramid.
In Heiberg’s time, much attention was paid to Archimedes’ brilliant use of infinitesimals to solve problems about areas, volumes, and centers of gravity. Less attention was given to the Stomachion, a problem treated in the Palimpsest that appears to deal with a children’s puzzle. Reviel Netz of Stanford University has argued that Archimedes discussed the number of ways to solve the puzzle. Modern combinatorics leads to the result that this number is 17,152. Due to the fragmentary state of the palimpsest it is unknown whether or not Archimedes came to the same result. This may have been the most sophisticated work in the field of combinatorics in Greek antiquity.

Also I hope to finish the novel Interred with their bones by Jennifer Lee Carrell (though I prefer the Dutch title, “Het Shakespeare Geheim” that is, “The Shakespeare Secret”) on a lost play by Shakespeare, and have a re-read of The music of the primes as I’ll use this book for my course starting next week.


768 micro-sudokubes

Ibrahim Belkadi, one of my first-year group theory students invented the micro-sudokube, that is, a cube having a solution to a micro-sudoku on all its sides such that these solutions share one row along an edge. For example, here are all the solutions for a given central solution. There are 4 of them with ${ a,b } = { 2,3 } $ and ${ c,d } = { 1,4 } $

The problem is : how many micro-sudokubes are there? Ibrahim handed in his paper and claims that there are exactly 32 of them, up to relabeling ${ 1,2,3,4 } $, so in all there are $32 \times 24 = 768 $ micro-sudokubes.

The proof-strategy is as follows. Fix one side and use relabeling to put the solution on that side to be one of 12 canonical forms (see for example this post. Next, work out as above for each of these standard forms in how many ways it can be extended. A nice idea of Ibrahim was to develop a much better notation for micro-sudokubes than the above flattenet-out cube. He uses the fact that a micro-sudokube is entirely determined by the solutions on two opposite sides (check this for yourself). Moreover, fixing one side determines one-half of all the neighboring sides. His notation for the 4 solutions above then becomes

and he can then use these solutions also in other standard form (the extra notation using the names A,B,C 1-4 for the 12 canonical forms).


abc on adelic Bost-Connes

The adelic interpretation of the Bost-Connes Hecke algebra $\mathcal{H} $ is based on three facts we’ve learned so far :

  1. The diagonal embedding of the rational numbers $\delta~:~\mathbb{Q} \rightarrow \prod_p \mathbb{Q}_p $ has its image in the adele ring $\mathcal{A} $. ( details )

  2. There is an exact sequence of semigroups $1 \rightarrow \mathcal{G} \rightarrow \mathcal{I} \cap \mathcal{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}^+_{\times} \rightarrow 1 $ where $\mathcal{I} $ is the idele group, that is the units of $\mathcal{A} $, where $\mathcal{R} = \prod_p \mathbb{Z}_p $ and where $\mathcal{G} $ is the group (!) $\prod_p \mathbb{Z}_p^* $. ( details )

  3. There is an isomorphism of additive groups $\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} \simeq \mathcal{A}/\mathcal{R} $. ( details )

Because $\mathcal{R} $ is a ring we have that $a\mathcal{R} \subset \mathcal{R} $ for any $a=(a_p)_p \in \mathcal{I} \cap \mathcal{R} $. Therefore, we have an induced ‘multiplication by $a $’ morphism on the additive group $\mathcal{A}/\mathcal{R} \rightarrow^{a.} \mathcal{A}/\mathcal{R} $ which is an epimorphism for all $a \in \mathcal{I} \cap \mathcal{R} $.

In fact, it is easy to see that the equation $a.x = y $ for $y \in \mathcal{A}/\mathcal{R} $ has precisely $n_a = \prod_p p^{d(a)} $ solutions. In particular, for any $a \in \mathcal{G} = \prod_p \mathbb{Z}_p^* $, multiplication by $a $ is an isomorphism on $\mathcal{A}/\mathcal{R} = \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} $.

But then, we can form the crystalline semigroup graded skew-group algebra $\mathbb{Q}(\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}) \bowtie (\mathcal{I} \cap \mathcal{R}) $. It is the graded vectorspace $\oplus_{a \in \mathcal{I} \cap \mathcal{R}} X_a \mathbb{Q}[\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}] $ with commutation relation
$Y_{\lambda}X_a = X_a Y_{a \lambda} $ for the base-vectors $Y_{\lambda} $ with $\lambda \in \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} $. Recall from last time we need to use approximation (or the Chinese remainder theorem) to determine the class of $a \lambda $ in $\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} $.

We can also extend it to a bi-crystalline graded algebra because multiplication by $a \in \mathcal{I} \cap \mathcal{R} $ has a left-inverse which determines the commutation relations $Y_{\lambda} X_a^* = X_a^* (\frac{1}{n_a})(\sum_{a.\mu = \lambda} Y_{\mu}) $. Let us call this bi-crystalline graded algebra $\mathcal{H}_{big} $, then we have the following facts

  1. For every $a \in \mathcal{G} $, the element $X_a $ is a unit in $\mathcal{H}_{big} $ and $X_a^{-1}=X_a^* $. Conjugation by $X_a $ induces on the subalgebra $\mathbb{Q}[\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}] $ the map $Y_{\lambda} \rightarrow Y_{a \lambda} $.

  2. Using the diagonal embedding $\delta $ restricted to $\mathbb{N}^+_{\times} $ we get an embedding of algebras $\mathcal{H} \subset \mathcal{H}_{big} $ and conjugation by $X_a $ for any $a \in \mathcal{G} $ sends $\mathcal{H} $ to itself. However, as the $X_a \notin \mathcal{H} $, the induced automorphisms are now outer!

Summarizing : the Bost-Connes Hecke algebra $\mathcal{H} $ encodes a lot of number-theoretic information :

  • the additive structure is encoded in the sub-algebra which is the group-algebra $\mathbb{Q}[\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}] $
  • the multiplicative structure in encoded in the epimorphisms given by multiplication with a positive natural number (the commutation relation with the $X_m $
  • the automorphism group of $\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} $ extends to outer automorphisms of $\mathcal{H} $

That is, the Bost-Connes algebra can be seen as a giant mashup of number-theory of $\mathbb{Q} $. So, if one can prove something specific about this algebra, it is bound to have interesting number-theoretic consequences.

But how will we study $\mathcal{H} $? Well, the bi-crystalline structure of it tells us that $\mathcal{H} $ is a ‘good’-graded algebra with part of degree one the group-algebra $\mathbb{Q}[\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}] $. This group-algebra is a formally smooth algebra and we study such algebras by studying their finite dimensional representations.

Hence, we should study ‘good’-graded formally smooth algebras (such as $\mathcal{H} $) by looking at their graded representations. This will then lead us to Connes’ “fabulous states”…