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Category: stories

teaching mathematics

Tracking an email address from a subscribers’ list to the local news bulletin of a tiny village somewhere in the French mountains, I ended up at the Maths department of Wellington College.

There I found the following partial explanation as to why I find it increasingly difficult to convey mathematics to students (needless to say I got my math-education in the abstract seventies…)

“Teaching Maths in 1950:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for £ 100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

Teaching Maths in 1960:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for £ 100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or £80. What is his profit?

Teaching Maths in 1970:

A logger exchanges a set A of lumber for a set M of money. The cardinality of set M is 100. Each element is worth one dollar. The set C the cost of production, contains 20 fewer elements than set M. What is the cardinality of the set P of profits?

Teaching Maths in 1980:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for £ 100. His cost of production is £80 and his profit is £20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

Teaching Maths in 1990:

By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the logger makes £20. What do you think of this way of making a living? How did the forest birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down the
trees? (There are no wrong answers.)

Teaching Maths in 2000:

Employer X is at loggerheads with his work force. He gives in to union pressure and awards a pay increase of 5% above inflation for the next five years.

Employer Y is at loggerheads with his work force. He refuses to negotiate and insists that salaries be governed by productivity and market forces.

Is there a third way to tackle this problem? (Yes or No).”

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two TA tales

situation 1 :
one of the better first year students comes up to TA1’s office.
student : Um, can I ask you a question?
TA1 : Sure!

student : Well, um, about next year… will it be more of
this? … I mean, with proofs and stuff like that?
TA1 :
Heh? Well… eh… yes, I think so…
student : Oh,
in that case, I think I’m going to study something else…
situation 2 : TA2 is showing to second year (an exceptionally
good year) that $SL_2(\\mathbb{Z}_2) \\simeq S_3$. He defined the
groupmorphism, showed injectivity and surjectivity… So, we are
done! Are we? student1 : Surely that’s not enough!
TA2 : Heh?
student1 : Not every mono and epi has to be
an isomorphism.
TA2 : ???
student2 (to student1) :
But clearly it is in this case, stupid. Finite groups is a small
category! I’m not sure what story depresses me

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the Oxford murders

Set in the
spring and summer of 1993, the Oxford
by Guillermo Martinez is
a crime-story about a series of murders commited in Oxford. At a certain
moment one even conjectures that the next victim will be Andrew Wiles on the eve of delivering his extra two talks at
a Cambridge seminar and that as a consequence the proof of
Fermat’s last theorem will be lost for another three
centuries… At that particular point in the book, I stopped looking
for the killer and just enjoyed the story (true or false?) of a bus
chartered by the Oxford Maths department to go to Cambridge to witness
the final two talks whereas the betting-rates were still 6 to 1
_against_ Wiles the night before. There are more hilarious
stories about a Russian PostDoc in Oxford, claiming that someone stole
his ideas on Fermat’s theorem and got a Fields Medal for it…
And so on, and so on, probably it gives a pretty accurate picture of the
life of many PostDocs travelling from one place to another to survive
(although, clearly Oxford is not just a place like any other… some
may argue). All in all, it is a rather enjoyable read. It is a
bit short (197 pages) so that there are not that many likely suspects
around to guess the two (!) outcomes way ahead. In fact, in the end I
wasn’t that much interested in the identity of the murderer but
rather in some of the side-line suicide stories. Sure, I was aware that
Taniyama and Turing commited suicide
but whereas I did know Taniyama’s method (and I notice that on the
web one is very cautious about it, so I will not give it away
here…) I never heard that Turing ate an apple laced with cyanide.
Further, I didn’t know of Taniyama’s ‘mysterious
suicide note’. So I looked it
. It seems that he left a three page note, most of it concerned
with specifying dates when his books should be returned to the library,
indications on how far he got with certain courses and plenty of
apologies. Still, there are these mysterious sentences which some people
used to cook up a conspiracy theory

‘’Until yesterday I have had no definite
intention of killing myself. But more than a few must have noticed I
have been tired both physically and mentally. As to the cause of my
suicide, I don’t quite understand it myself, but it is not the
result of a particular incident, nor of a specific matter. Merely may I
say, I am in the frame of mind that I lost confidence in my future.
There may be some to whom my suicide will be troubling or a blow to a
certain degree. I sincerely hope that this incident will cast no dark
shadow over the future of that person. At any rate I cannot deny that
this is a kind of betrayal, but please excuse it as my last act in my
own way, as I have been doing all my

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