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Category: web

the efficient academic

software help mathematicians to keep up with the neverending (sic) flood
of new research material? In the past I touched this already… Recently, there is a new fairly active Google group
efficient academic
which describes its interests as

Professors, Instructors, and Graduate Students
interested in getting things done more easily and quickly. We discuss
organization, task management, and tools that helps us to be more
productive and not procrastinate. We tend to discuss David Allen’s
GTD system but not exclusively. (278 members)

Personally, I think GTD is far too management-driven to be useful in
research, but I’m equally convinced that there are nice programs
around that I have to delve deeper into, in particular DevonThinkPro.
Fortunately, Serkan Cabi has
written two interesting posts on applications of DevonThink to
physics-research :

which can help me a bit. In the second post
appears another useful resource for the average desperate present-day
ringtheorist. Joanna Karczmarek
can help you to put the Hep-th
on Your Harddrive
. A mere 8Gb containing all material published on
hep-th over the years, just waiting to be put in a database-tool like
DevonThink or, if you still need an excuse to buy one, on your iPod to
read on your daily commute…

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Latexrender and dvonn boards

In order
to blog a bit about Dvonn-strategy, I made myself a simple Dvonn
LaTeX-template which works very well on paper but which gets mutilated
by Latexrender, for example the first situation of the looks

$~\xymatrix@=.3cm @!C @R=.7cm{ & & \Black{2} \connS & &
\bull{d}{5} \conn & & \bull{e}{5} \conn & & \bull{f}{5} \conn & &
\bull{g}{5} \conn & & \bull{h}{5} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & \\ & \bull{b}{4} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \Black{6} \connS & & \bull{e}{4} \conn& & \bull{f}{4} \conn &
& \bull{g}{4} \conn & & \bull{h}{4} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & &
\SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \conneS & \\ \SBlack \connbeginS & &
\SBlack \connS & & \BDvonn{7} \connS & & \bull{d}{3} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \BDvonn{6} \connS & & \bull{g}{3} \conn & & \bull{h}{3}
\conn & & \Dvonn \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connendS \\ &
\Black{5} \connbeginS & & \bull{b}{2} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{2} \conn & & \bull{e}{2} \conn & & \bull{f}{2} \conn & &
\bull{g}{2} \conn & & \bull{h}{2} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connendS & \\ & & \bull{a}{1} \con & & \bull{b}{1} \con & & \Black{5}
\conS & & \bull{d}{1} \con & & \bull{e}{1} \con & & \bull{f}{1} \con & &
\bull{g}{1} \con & & \bull{h}{1} \con & & \White{2} & &} $

reason behind this unwanted clipping is that Latexrender uses
**convert** to take the relevant part of a ps-page containing only the
TeXed formula on an empty page by performing clipping and then converts
it into a GIF-file (or any other format you desire). The obvious way
round this is to enlarge my template by adding two additional rows and
columns and putting visible nonsense there (such as dots) to enlarge the
relevant part so that no clipping is done of essential info. But then
(1) the picture generated becomes even larger than that above and (2) I
don’t want you to see the extra nonsensical dots… The essential line
in the **class.latexrender.php** file is

$command =
$this->_convert_path." -density ".$this->_formula_density.
" -trim -transparent \"#FFFFFF\" ".$this->_tmp_filename.".ps ".

I needed to delve into the [manual pages for the convert command](
of the ImageMagick-package. To my surprise, the *-trim* option (which I
thought to adjust somewhat by adding parameters) doesn’t exist! Still, I
got around my second problem using the *crop* option and around the
first by using the very useful *geometry* option. The latter is also
useful if you find that the size of the output of Latexrender is not
compatible with the size of your regular text. Of course you can amend
this somewhat by using the *extarticle* documentclass (as suggested) but
if you want to further adjust it, use for example


to size the output to exactly 86% (or whatever you need).
So, whenever I want to do some Dvonn-blogging from now on I’ll change my
class.latexrender.php file as follows

$command =
$this->_convert_path." -crop 0x0-10% -crop 0x0+10% -density
".$this->_formula_density. " -geometry 80%
-transparent \"#FFFFFF\" ".$this->_tmp_filename.".ps ".

produces the output

$\xymatrix@=.3cm @R=.7cm{.& & & & & & & & & &
& & & \\ & & & \Black{2} \connS & & \bull{d}{5} \conn & & \bull{e}{5}
\conn & & \bull{f}{5} \conn & & \bull{g}{5} \conn & & \bull{h}{5} \conn
& & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & & \\ & &
\bull{b}{4} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & & \Black{6} \connS & &
\bull{e}{4} \conn& & \bull{f}{4} \conn & & \bull{g}{4} \conn & &
\bull{h}{4} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\conneS & & \\ & \SBlack \connbeginS & & \SBlack \connS & &
\BDvonn{7} \connS & & \bull{d}{3} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\BDvonn{6} \connS & & \bull{g}{3} \conn & & \bull{h}{3} \conn & &
\Dvonn \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connendS & . \\ & &
\Black{5} \connbeginS & & \bull{b}{2} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{2} \conn & & \bull{e}{2} \conn & & \bull{f}{2} \conn & &
\bull{g}{2} \conn & & \bull{h}{2} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connendS & & \\ & & & \bull{a}{1} \con & & \bull{b}{1} \con & &
\Black{5} \conS & & \bull{d}{1} \con & & \bull{e}{1} \con & &
\bull{f}{1} \con & & \bull{g}{1} \con & & \bull{h}{1} \con & & \White{2}
& & & \\ . & & & & & & & & & & & & & } $

which (I hope) you will
find slightly better…

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latexrender plugin for wordpress under tiger

Promises and pie-crusts are made to be broken, a wiser man once
said. Still, promises have a much longer life-span and sometimes their
real content becomes redundant over time.

A year ago, I
to document how I got the
LaTeXRender Plugin for WordPress
working under OS X. The procedure
consisted of some trial-and-error operations, installing non-standard
versions of software and hardcoding certain directories throughout
certain files…

Not something I was looking forward
to when I decided to upgrade this WordPress blog but,
surprisingly, things went pretty smoothly this time (Mac-technology
has improved a lot). So, please don’t worry too much about this
and follow the (late) instructions below.

things first : I will assume you have the ‘generic’ LaTeX
running under Tiger (10.4),that is, use the i-Installer to download BOTH
LaTeX and Imagemagick! Further, in order to get WordPress up and
running, have the standard
MySQL 4.0 package
installed for 10.3 (not version
4.1…) and don’t use the generic Mac-PHP version, but
instead download Marc
Liyanage’s PHP5 package
which has plenty of additional
packages installed (notably, GDlib and MCRYPT which comes in handy if
you want to fight spam-comments using BotCheck).


Download wp-
and follow the instructions given to the letter
(there is one undocumented extra directory you have to fill in at the
start of the latexrender-plugin.php file). There is
just one additional thing to do. Find in the
class.latexrender.php file the line starting

// convert dvi file to postscript using

and include the following lines just before it

// begin of workaround // extending the PATH
  environmental variable Soldpath =
  getenv(“PATH”); Swhere_imagemagick_is =
  “/usr/local/bin”; if (Soldpath) { Swhere_imagemagick_is .=
  “:Soldpath”;} putenv(“PATH=Swhere_imagemagick_is”); //
  end of workaround 

activate the plugin and it
should work! Still, there are three things you may want to change. In
the latex.php file uncomment the indicated lines as
you will be using htmlArea to input your posts. In addition, if you
have the MarkDown-plugin enabled, it is best to append additional
lines such as

 Slatex_formula =
  str_replace(“_”,”_”,Slatex_formula);     Slatex_formula

between the first ” ” should be the beginning and end
em-tag respectively) or underscores will be interpreted as em-tags.
If you run into additional similar problems, the procedure is to
comment-out the line


near the end of class.latexrender.php , look in the
tmp directory for the TeX-file, detect the problem and add similar
lines to the ones above to solve it. Another useful thing to do
is to add TeX-packages in the class.latexrender.php file. My own
version has the following predefined symbols and loaded

 function wrap_formula(Slatex_formula) { 
  Sstring  =
  .”}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\usepackage{amsmath}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\usepackage{amsfonts}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\usepackage{amssymb}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\usepackage{xy}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\xyoption{all}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  #1}}\\n”;  Sstring .= “\\\\newcommand{\\mathbb{C}c}{\\Bbbk}\\n”; 
  Sstring .= “\\\\newcommand{\\mathbb{C}}{\\mathbb{C}}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\\\newcommand{\\mathbb{Q}}{\\mathbb{Q}}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\\\newcommand{\\mathbb{Z}}{\\mathbb{Z}}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\\\newcommand{\\mathbb{N}}{\\mathbb{N}}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\\\newcommand{\\mathbf}[1]{{\\\\text{\\em \\usefont{OT1}{cmtt}{m}{n}
  #1}}}\\n”;  Sstring .= “\\pagestyle{empty}\\n”;  Sstring
  .= “\\begin{document}\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “S”.Slatex_formula.”S\\n”;  Sstring .=
  “\\end{document}\\n”;          return Sstring;     }  

which, among other things, allow all commenters to add
quiver-pictures using xymatrix and vtx to depict vertices. Oh yes, you
can allow comments to include LaTeX-code by uncommenting the

  // add_filter(‘comment_text’,

in the latexrender-plugin.php
file (but before you do make sure you have spam under control, such as
with BotCheck mentioned above). That’s all for now. If you want
to use TeX in a comment, make sure to put the code between tags [ tex
] and [ /tex ] (omitting the extra spaces). If you want me to add
other LaTeX-packages, leave a comment.

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